Terms and Conditions of the Emerging Founders Events

Terms and Conditions of the Emerging Founders Events


§1 General Provisions
1. The organizer of events held under the Emerging Founders brand (each of them hereinafter
referred to as the “Event”) is Gotskills sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Lublin (20-601)
Tomasza Zana street 11A, Poland, registered in the National Court Register under KRS
number 0000865248, NIP: 7123408831, REGON: 387309157, shale capital in the amount of
PLN 5.000 (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer").
2. The Organizer holds full rights to use the name and brand “Emerging Founders”. Using this
name without the Organizer's consent may result in liability for infringement of intellectual
property rights or acts of unfair competition.
3. The Terms define the rules for organizing and conditions of participation in Events organized
by the Organizer.
4. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions takes place at the moment of registration for the
Event via dedicated checkbox. Failure to accept the Terms and Conditions makes it
impossible to register and participate in the Event.

§2 Definitions
1. The following definitions apply to words beginning with a capital letter:
a. Event – a meeting, conference, workshop, or other undertaking organized by the
Organizer under the Emerging Founders brand.
b. Form - a registration form for an Event, enabling potential Participants to register their
interest in attending a given Event;
c. Participant – adult individual who has expressed interest in to participating in the
Event via Form and has met the participation conditions specified by the Organizer.

§3 Participation Rules
1. Participation in Events is voluntary and may require prior registration through a Form available
on the Organizer's website or third-party websites.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to determine the number of available spots for individual
Events and to introduce participation fees, which Participants will be informed about before
registration. The Organizer will publish regarding the Event, required by law.
3. The participant is obliged to comply with all rules and terms regarding behavior and
prohibitions in force at the place where the Event takes place. Failure to follow
abovementioned rules may result in the Participant being excluded from the Event.
4. Participants are obliged to adhere to safety rules and follow the instructions of the Organizer's
representatives during the Event. Failure to follow the Organizer's safety instructions may
result in the Participant being excluded from the Event.
5. The course of the Event will be recorded in the form of photos and videos. By registering for
the Event, the Participant declares that they are aware of and agree to the dissemination of
his image by the Organizer. This consent includes the dissemination of the image in videos
and photos on the Organizer's website, the Organizer's accounts on social media channels,
and in other marketing materials.
6. The consent referred to above may be withdrawn at any time. In order to withdraw your
consent, please send an email to: team@emerging-founders.com.

§4 Personal Data Protection

1. Information regarding the processing of personal data of Participants of individual Events
constitutes Appendix 1 to the Regulations
§5 Changes and Cancellation of the Event
1. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Event program or to cancel the
Event due to reasons beyond its control. In such cases, Participants will be promptly informed
of the changes via the contact details provided during registration.
2. In the event of cancellation of the Event, the Organizer will refund any fees paid by
Participants in connection with the Event within 14 days from the day of cancellation. Unless
otherwise specified by the participant, the refund will be made to the bank account used to
make the payment.
3. In the event of a change of event date, the Organizer will immediately inform the Participants
of such change. In such a situation, the Participant is entitled to terminate the contract
regarding his/her participation in the Event within 14 days from the date of the Organizer
sending the information. Such a statement should be submitted to the address of the
Organizer's registered office or to the e-mail address team@emerging-founders.com. In the event of cancellation of
participation in the Event, the provisions of sec. 2 above regarding refunds shall apply

§6 Consumers
1. Due to the nature of each Event and the fact that they take place on a specific day,
Participants who have the status of a consumer within the meaning of applicable regulations
are not entitled to withdraw from the contract under the rules resulting from the Polish Act on
Consumer Rights (sec. 38.1.12. of this act) or other consumer law regulations relevant to a
given Participant.

§7 Complaints
1. The Participant has the right to submit complaints regarding the services provided by the
organizer via his website or during the Event
2. A complaint can be submitted via email to team@emerging-founders.com.
3. The Organizer shall consider the complaint within 14 days of its receipt. failure to respond
within this period is tantamount to accepting the complaint by the Organizer

§8 Final Provisions
1. The Organizer is not responsible for personal belongings of Participants that may be lost,
stolen, or damaged during the Event.
2. The organizer is not liable for:
a. incorrect completion of the Form by the Participant;
b. violation of the Terms or provisions of law by the Participant;
c. damages caused by third parties during the Event;
d. for events resulting from force majeure.
2. In matters not regulated by the Terms, provisions of Polish law shall apply.
3. The Organizer reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions. Such a change will not
apply to Events for which registration was possible before the new version of the Terms and
Conditions came into force, unless the change is necessary due to applicable law.
4. In the event of a dispute between the Organizer and the Participant, the court of jurisdiction
shall be the court competent for the Organizer’s registered seat, unless another court has
jurisdiction pursuant to mandatory legal provisions.
5. In the event of a change to the Terms and Conditions for a given Event, the Organizer will
immediately inform the Participants by e-mail.
6. The Terms are effective from January 1, 2025, and are available on the Organizer's website.
In addition, the Organizer makes the Terms available on site during the Event.